Unify Guiding Principles

Unify Guiding Principles

Nedap Healthcare
Project title

Unify Guiding Principles

Brand designGraphic Design
Animation by Rieko Medendorp — Art Direction & Design by Jullian Claus and Hieu Nguyen
Together with Kevin Favier and Jullian Claus, we worked on a set of five guiding principles. The principles helps the Nedap Healthcare teams make design decisions that reflect our Nedap values.

Guiding principles

Put people first

For us, everything starts with people. And when we say people we mean everyone. We can only design good products if we understand what people need, to empower them and become even better in what they do. Even when they don't see it.


Bring focus

If you want to get things done you need focus. We gain focus by keeping things as simple as possible. But simplicity is not just about reducing information, it's about bringing order to complexity. Our products do not distract or divert, they bring focus on what’s relevant.


Make it feel good

We think of elegant solutions that not only look good, but feel good. They have personality, a soul. They seamlessly connect with what people need at the moment they interact. We give attention to details and always strive to create experiences people love.


Think fluid

If we want people to move forward, we have to get rid of what’s holding them back. But the world keeps changing and people adapt quickly. Therefore we need to design fluidly so we can keep adjusting to the ever changing needs of people and their context.


Be sincere

We think forward and learn from the past. Our vision may be opinionated and challenging some times, we are always honest and transparant about it. So let’s talk about it! And above all we need each other to generates unique experiences that remain relevant and never lose meaning.



Forming the principles together. Brainstorming an iterating on each others text and ideas. Kevin responsible for the text. Jullian and I worked on how to visualise these principles. We came up with two concept directions.