Nedap Luna

Nedap Luna

Nedap Luna
Project title

A simple digital calendar that improves the self-reliance of people with dementia by supporting their daily structure

Product designUser research
Self-reliant by providing structure – Nedap Luna brings structure to the daily lives of people in the early and middle stages of dementia. By simply showing what the day will look like, Luna gives them the confidence to act independently. They know what to do and what to expect; and that gives them guidance and peace of mind.


The Nedap Luna is a simple and smart day calendar. Designed for people with beginning dementia. The product supports people with dementia with keeping track of their daily structure and routines. The goal is to improve their self-reliance and thereby relieve the pressure on informal caregivers. In this showcase you’ll be shown the design process and principles behind the Nedap Luna. From problem, to idea to the first product release.

Year Duration 2017 2 years


Dementia is a devastating illness. In the Netherlands it is one of the most care intensive diseases (for informal and professional caregivers) and it is one of the most expensive diseases for our society. A strong increase in the number of people with dementia is expected, because of the increasingly aging population. These changes that occur in society ask for new alternatives, new ideas and lead to new human needs.

Dementia is a collective name for over 50 cognitive disorders, where Alzheimer’s disease is the most known. For people with dementia, this results in a progressive impairment of their ability to remember, understand, communicate and their orientation of time and place, which affects their daily functioning.

It does not only affect the people with dementia, it also has a great impact on their loved ones, who must turn into caregivers for longer periods of time, as the professional care system is already strained.

Although there is no known cure for dementia, it may be possible to improve the quality of life of people who live with dementia.

Dementia is an irreversible cognitive disorder that affects the brain’s connections and functioning. It affects the memory, orientation of time and place and other thinking abilities
Dementia is an irreversible cognitive disorder that affects the brain’s connections and functioning. It affects the memory, orientation of time and place and other thinking abilities


The human centred design approach, where the users are continuously involved throughout the project in every stage. The underlying thought of this method is that value is assigned by the user to a product if they perceive it as meaningful to them. Since the user’s needs and requirements define the ultimate value of the product it is of paramount importance to involve the users in the design process.

For and with people who have dementia and their informal caregivers

Co-designing with people with dementia and their informal caregiver to uncover their problems, needs and preferences.

Supporting self-reliance by supporting daily structure

One of the related consequences is that people with dementia have difficulty with keeping track of time, planning and keeping structure. This results in people with dementia having more difficulty to perform daily tasks. It makes a person with dementia more dependent on other people. However people with dementia have a need to stay self-reliant, maintain their habits and keep their dignity.

Structure is very important to one's self-reliance. Thanks to a better structure, knows what he must do and what to expect; and that gives him guidance and peace of mind. Structure provides rest and certainty because they know what will happen and what to do, which decreases anxiety, confusion and agitation. For improving the self-reliance of people with dementia, keeping structure is essential. Daily routines and plans are helpful for those with dementia and their caregivers.

Exploded view render of the Luna concept design
Exploded view render of the Luna concept design
Animation of the Nedap Luna by Rieko Medendorp – Illustrations by Vonik


Results and experiences of people.

Full report

The Nedap Luna was initiated and designed during my graduation. You can read and download my thesis here.



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