My small set of personal work principles


My small set of personal work principles

March 29, 2021

Inspired by the personal work principles of Wouter de Bres, I tried to define my own set of principles.

[Work in progress]

  • Put people first – Solving real problems for people. Always keep the audience/users in mind.
  • Be kind – Sincere, open, positive. Have respect. Stay true to yourself.
  • Always be curious – Learn as much as you can. Wonder. Play. Uncovering new opportunities
  • Make it feel good – Not just work, but also feel good. Sparks joy.
  • Find the essence – The soul of the product. Identify it, eliminate the rest. Less is more. Build around the essence.
  • Connect. Listen. Connecting the dots. Combine ideas. Make connection with people, the environment. With yourself.



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